Protection From Bites & Stings While Enjoying The Great Outdoors

Protection From Bites & Stings While Enjoying The Great Outdoors

Protection From Bites & Stings While Enjoying The Great Outdoors

If I could live outside without getting bit and stung, then I would be outside 24 hours a day! Unfortunately bugs rule the night and in many parts of the country, they also rule the day. Spraying is a part of life.

As you may or may not know, most (if not all) chemical sprays are said to cause health issues over time, so finding an all natural spray that actually works is like hitting gold in a goldmine! If you are looking for a dependable Bug Off! Spray with excellent reviews go here. If you'd like to know about some additional things you can do to add to your bug protection arsenal then keep reading.

Lemongrass Clay Bar

Cities by nature have more concrete, as to be expected, and many of the larger cities and municipalities also have "mosquito control", in the form of aerial and ground spraying which in theory is supposed to keep mosquito counts lower than if they did not spray at all. In the country or more rural lands we do not have that option. We have open fields, streams and rivers with a lot of animals that bugs like to bother such as deer, horses, dogs, bears, birds, etc,. So going outside without being bitten and bothered is important for well being and health.

 Protection From Bites & Stings While Enjoying The Great Outdoors

With all the mosquito aerial and ground spraying happening in the city, it doesn't seem to completely stop the disease born illnesses such as Dengue Fever, West Nile, Zika, Chikungunya virus, & Malaria from infecting people unfortunately. So, whether you live in the city or the country, you need a repellant of some kind to keep you and your loved ones safe, happy and healthy. Natural is your safest bet.


Where I live I see a lot of biting and stinging insects every day. So you can bet your bottom dollar that I think about protection on a daily basis. We just bought rural property and the bugs here are plentiful. When I am in the wild, I do not even think twice before stepping out of my car without my natural Bug Off! Spray in hand and my salvation skin salve. In fact my husband carries his own, so we both have them handy on each side of the car door slots. I have even developed a new formula (still working on the scent) for horse flies and ticks but that's an article for another time and still in the works.

The good thing about moving into the wild, is it has made me come up with some more effective formulations for more than just mosquitoes and no-see-ums. So, when I tell you that I use my own products, you can be sure it's true! I'd be eaten alive otherwise! The people that I have met here have also become customers of ME AND A TREE SKINCARE and are pretty darn grateful too! It can be brutal in the wild but we think it's worth it- so long as we bring our spray.


But the other day one of my friends Lu asked me a question I hadn't thought about before. She wanted something her husband could use as a soap to wash with before going outside and doing yard work to avoid getting bit. I told her about the Bug Off! repellent, but got to thinking about how smart that is, (to wash with a soap that takes away our own human scent since bugs like sweat and Co2 -a.k.a. breath) that also leaves a scent of oils on the hair and body that bugs don't like or recognize. Do we have such a soap? We actually do! By golly I need to start soaping up with it before I go into the WILD!



Certain types of essential oils attract bugs and certain ones repel. Some bees such as Green Orchid Bees, love Clove Essential Oil and I used to attract them with it on purpose. However, certain types of essential oils, also discourage bees- think citrus. Certain oils do better with mosquitoes, lavender etc while others don't seem to work so well. So I am going to share a few soaps you can bathe and shower with that will help discourage mosquitoes along with the Bug Off! Spray (don't leave home without it-ever!).

Here are the essential oil soaps you want to have on hand to help repel mosquitos, biting flies, bees, no see-ums, & ticks. You can pick one or pick them all. Now before I share this, do not expect them to do what our Bug Off! Bug Spray does or what an effective tick repellant does (that's in the works), but instead think of it as an extra layer of help in addition to the natural Bug Off! spray (these are not in any particular order by the way).

1. Lemongrass Clay Bar

2. Spearmint Wheatgrass Bar

3. Eucalyptus & Pink Salt (Himalaya)

4. French Lavender

5. Rosemary & Sage Clay Bar

6. Cedarwood & Yuzu

7. Tea Tree and Myrrh Clay Bar

For a complete listing of all of our naturally formulated soaps visit us here!


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